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Elementary Education Degrees in Maryland

If you’re ready to make a difference with the work you do every day, a degree in elementary education is an obvious choice. Elementary school children are extremely impressionable, which is why it’s so important for them to be taught by highly trained educators. With an elementary teaching license, you could work with children from grades kindergarten through eighth grade. The work you do with Maryland students can impact their lives for decades to come.

Becoming an Elementary Teacher in Maryland

You’re ready to become a teacher and start working in one of the most important industries in Maryland. Make the first move now by reaching out to top elementary education programs in your area.

There’s no doubt that teacher training has always been an important part of education in the United States. With standard changing substantially in recent years, it’s even more crucial for schools to have teachers that are trained and held to the highest standards. In the coming year, the state of Maryland is going to implement a rating system for all of the state’s public schools (Baltimore Sun, 2017). These ratings may be influenced by the average education level of each school’s teachers and the outcomes of each academic year.

Don’t wait any longer to prepare for a teaching career. You can take the first step right now by contacting elementary education training programs near you.

Getting Your Elementary Education Degree in Maryland

Before you can start working with students and exploring job openings at Maryland schools, you have to get the right education. With our list of teaching programs, you can quickly and easily find accredited teacher education programs that are convenient for your schedule.

For many students, a Bachelor’s degree in elementary education is the best option for teacher training. Most aspiring teachers begin college right out of high school or before pursuing any other type of postsecondary education. A Bachelor’s-level program combines general education, classroom experience, and theory training in one well-paced degree. Your journey to a teaching degree may start with up to 60 credits of general education courses. Your school may use this time to assess your academic performance and ensure that you have what it takes to become a teacher. Once you reach the minimum credit requirement for acceptance to the teacher program, you can take the Praxis I exam. This test looks at your overall body of knowledge and potential for learning.

After you get accepted to the elementary teaching program, you may work through a predetermined set of courses that help you become a skilled educator. At many Maryland programs, you begin building your body of classroom experience in the very first semester of your teaching education. Schools often require this because they want students to verify that elementary education is the right field for them. Learn as much as possible from every teacher that you shadow. Even if their teaching style isn’t similar to yours, you can use their experience to make yourself a more efficient and empathetic educator.

Theory is a significant component of your training. You have to understand the history of the field of education and see how it has grown through the decades. With that knowledge, you can understand the current goals of this field and where it may go in the future. You may also delve into the development of children, learning theories, and teaching techniques that are backed up by evidence.

Elementary Education Course Options in Maryland

  • Introduction to Education: School and Society
  • Processes and Acquisitions of Literacy
  • Child and Adolescent Development
  • Methods of Teaching Science
  • Fundamental Concepts of Math
  • Elementary Social Studies Methods
  • Comprehensive Classroom Management
  • Assessment and Instruction in Reading

You have to combine all of your experience and knowledge to make an impression in your final semester of an education degree. This semester is devoted to student teaching. While you may spend 12 to 15 hours in courses for the rest of your training, your student teaching semester requires you to spend approximately 40 hours per week in your assigned classroom. Under the guidance of an experienced teacher, you may learn how to manage a classroom, work with difficult students, and make the most of your time. You also have to attend any event that a licensed teacher would attend, including conferences, fairs, and other events. The connections you make as a student teacher may lead to post-graduation employment, so don’t be afraid to arrive early and stay late.

If you already have a Bachelor’s degree, consider attending Master’s in elementary education programs. You may earn a Master’s degree in about two years. Note, though, that many programs require a Bachelor’s degree in education or a related field. If your Bachelor’s degree is unrelated to education, you may need to check out other options.

While you cannot do your entire degree online, there are some blended elementary education online degree programs. In this type of program, you may do your theory and general education coursework online. However, you still need to attend in-person courses and do your classroom rotations.

Once you’ve finished your education, you have to earn your license before you start working in a classroom. This whole process is regulated by the Maryland State Department of Education. This licensing agency utilizes the Praxis exams, so you may want to schedule these once you get close to graduation. The sooner your application gets approved and you secure passing grades on the Praxis exam, the sooner you may start working.

As you work through your curriculum, you may realize the importance of the work you do as a teacher. Teachers have a huge influence on the lives of the children they work with, their families, and society as a whole. Take this responsibility seriously and work hard in your classes; Maryland children deserve the very best!

Are you passionate about education and ready to get started? Compare your options today by contacting Maryland elementary education degree programs.

Working as an Elementary Educator in Maryland

How can you make the most of your education and get a running start in your career? First, take advantage of networking opportunities in Maryland. Make connections with other teachers at your place of employment and in your training program. It may also be helpful to get active in professional organizations, such as the Maryland State Education Association.

One of the benefits of working in Maryland is the strong job outlook in this area. Between 2014 and 2024, job openings for elementary school teachers may increase 30% (O*Net, 2017). This is above average when compared to national statistics. Check out openings in your home district and surrounding districts to see where your skills are most needed. Currently, elementary school teachers claim an average income of $64,970 per year (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2017). Salaries are set by each district and are typically based on both your level of education and the amount of seniority you have.

Now that you know how you can become a teacher, make your move and get involved. Use our list of elementary education programs in Maryland to contact schools that catch your eye.

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