Education Specialist Degrees in Oklahoma
Children spend over 1,000 hours per year with their teachers starting in kindergarten. This trend continues until college, when many students spend even more time studying and absorbing material. With many students spending more time with teachers than with their parents during the week, it’s essential that Oklahoma students have the best and most dedicated teachers possible.
Your Master’s degree in education should have substantially strengthened your teaching abilities and renewed your passion for this field. There are further degree options for you. An Ed.D is a viable choice if you want to go into research, but if you want to continue working in the educational sector, an education specialist degree may be a more suitable option.
Role of Educators With an Ed.S Degree in Oklahoma
Earning this degree only takes an average of two years, which is a small investment compared to the positive results it can yield. Compare options now with Ed.S programs in Oklahoma.
Oklahoma education has struggled to keep up with other states, an issue that has restricted the state’s growth in many ways. Currently, it ranks 48th in the country for education (OU Daily, 2016). With this challenge plaguing the industry, teachers of Oklahoma need to band together, commit to progress, and turn education around for students.
Though education students may study and graduate in Oklahoma, they do not often stay in Oklahoma (News OK, 2016). To combat this problem, administrators have created the Debt-Free Teachers Program. This program aspires to draw promising teachers to the field and keep them in Oklahoma after graduation. If you want to advance your education in an in-demand subject, you may benefit from this.
You may become a more competent, qualified teacher with continuing education opportunities in Oklahoma. Contact education specialist degree OK programs to take the first step.
Getting Your Educational Specialist Degree in Oklahoma
Once you’ve earned your Master’s degree, earning an Ed.S requires approximately two additional years of study. Over this time period, you should earn between 30 and 40 credits. Because of how these programs are structured, you may be able to work full-time while earning your degree. In fact, quite a few schools offer online courses for your convenience.
While learning about different Oklahoma programs, consider the different specialties they offer. This should be the main factor in your school decision, as it can affect the future of your career. Oklahoma schools offer these and other options:
- School Psychology
- Curriculum and Teaching
- Early Childhood Education
- English as a Second Language
- Special Education
If you go into a specialized field like school psychology, keep in mind that you may need to complete additional coursework that extends your program. This is due in part to the licensing restrictions in education and psychology; to become a school psychologist, you must have specialized certification from both your education licensing agency and your psychology licensing agency.
A school psychology curriculum may include the following courses:
- Advanced Social Psychology
- Developmental Psychopharmacology
- Psychology of Learning
- Child Psychopathology
- Reading Assessment and Instruction
- School Psychology Services
- Child Personality Assessment
Earning an Ed.S in special education often involves enrolling in the following courses:
- Advanced Student Assessment
- Contemporary Issues and Research in Special Education
- Projects in Special Education
- Research and Evaluation in Education
- Behavior Analysis in School Settings
- Collaboration and Accommodations in Special Education
The type and amount of experience you get as a student depends on the field you select. For example, school psychology is a field with extensive experience requirements. You may spend over 2,000 hours shadowing school psychologists, working in supervised settings, and completing a supervised internship. In the field of special education, you may student teach for one to two semesters and work with students of varying needs.
Your education specialist degree may have a ripple effect, having a positive effect on hundreds of people. You may find greater fulfillment in your career, particularly if your knowledge allows you to achieve new heights in teaching. Your students may learn more easily from you with your understanding of evidence-based teaching practice. The entire industry can benefit, since teachers furthering their education may encourage higher teaching standards. You can also use your experience to support other teachers in their desire to advance their education.
Working With an Education Specialist Degree in Oklahoma
The goal of Ed.S programs is to produce working teaching professionals, so you should be well aware of the next step by the time you graduate. If you are going to continue working in your current grade level or subject area, you may not have to do anything beyond maintain your existing teaching license.
However, if you want to switch specialties, work in administration, or go into educational technology, you likely need a different teaching license. This process is regulated by the Oklahoma State Department of Education.
At this level of education, you may improve your career options, job outlook, or salary potential. Some Ed.S options can be found below, listed with expected growth figures through 2022 and average salary data:
- School administrator: 5% expected growth (O*Net, 2016); $
average salary (BLS,2016 ) - Instructional coordinator: 10% expected growth (O*Net, 2016); $
54,380 average salary (BLS,2016 ) - Elementary school teacher: 12% expected growth (O*Net, 2016); $
41,150 average salary (BLS,2016 )
As a working teacher, you may already be heavily involved in the teaching community of Oklahoma. It’s important to stay active in general teaching groups, as well as those that relate specifically to the subject you teach. Oklahoma associations include the Oklahoma Education Association and Professional Oklahoma Educators.
Clearly, earning an Ed.S degree can impact your career, your students, and your school district. Start exploring your options now by contacting educational specialist degree programs below.