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Early Childhood Education Degrees in Missouri

Education has become extremely specialized in the last decade, with more and more schools preferring to hire teachers who have training in specific grade levels and ages. This has led to great results throughout the country, since it pays attention to the fact that toddlers and preschoolers have different learning needs from high schoolers.

If you have ever wanted to teach young children, you may want to earn a degree in early childhood education.

Becoming an Early Childhood Teacher in Missouri

Strong school performance begins in a child’s early years. By learning how to become an early childhood teacher you can help make the most of a child’s most important years of learning.

Contact the schools below to learn more!

As education has evolved over the years, the education community has developed to create stronger connections for teachers at different grade levels.

When you decide to focus on early childhood education for your career, you can benefit from the services of groups like the Association for the Education of Young Children in Missouri. Continuing education is an important part of succeeding as a teacher, and as a member of local teaching organizations, you can get early access to continuing training classes.

If you want to really make a difference in this field, it all starts with your education.

Get more information on local degree programs now by reaching out to early childhood education programs in Missouri.

Getting Your Early Childhood Education Degree in Missouri

It’s important to choose a college or university that fits with your career goals, your education to this point, and your work experience. If you have a Bachelor’s degree in education or a related field, a graduate program may be a good way for you to get licensed in approximately two years.

Those who do not yet have a Bachelor’s degree must start with an undergraduate program in early childhood education. This process takes approximately four years, during which time you earn at least 120 credits.

Missouri schools require that you start with general education classes and get some college-level credits before applying to a teaching program. You must pass the preliminary Praxis exam before beginning your teaching classes.

Early Childhood Education Missouri Courses

  • Principles of Development in Early Childhood
  • Observing and Assessing Young Children
  • Foundations of Mathematics for Teachers
  • Literature for Children
  • Educational Applications of Technology and Media
  • Administration of Programs for Children and Families
  • The Early Childhood Education Professional
  • Emerging Literacy

Once you have been accepted to an early education program, you may apply for teaching-specific grants and scholarships. The T.E.A.C.H. Missouri Scholarship is open to those who want to become licensed in preschool through third grade. It covers a percentage of tuition, books, and living expenses.

The education licensing process requires that you get plenty of hands-on experience in the classroom. In addition to getting practical experience throughout your degree, you complete a full semester of student teaching at the end of your training.

After getting a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited teaching program, you may become a licensed teacher. You apply for early childhood certification through the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. You must pass the Missouri Educator Gateway Assessment for your initial license.

Becoming a teacher is a great way to improve Missouri’s future and contribute to one of the most important industries in the country.

Check out Missouri teaching schools to find a school that can help you get started.

Working as an Early Childhood Educator in Missouri

After you graduate with your early childhood education degree, you can use your license to work in Missouri daycare centers, kindergarten classrooms, elementary schools, and preschools.

The need for teachers is growing in Missouri. O*Net predicts a 9% boost in job openings for preschool teachers by 2024 (2016). From 2014 through 2024, demand for elementary school teachers may increase 5% (O*Net, 2016).

Preschool teachers in MO earn an average of $27,500 per year in Missouri (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2016). Those who work as MO elementary school teachers report an average income of $52,920 per year (BLS, 2016).

Throughout your career, you may want to broaden your skills by attending training seminars. One of the largest events in this region is the Missouri Early Learning Conference.

Are you ready to plan for your future and pursue a career in education?

Explore your options now with our list of Missouri teaching programs.

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