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Maryland Bachelor’s in Education Programs

If teaching and shaping the young minds of children in your community is your passion, the state of Maryland is a great place to begin a career as an educator. With a Bachelor’s in education, you can find your fit as a teacher in the public or private school system of Maryland and being a rewarding career in the field of education.

Becoming a teacher in Maryland starts with the right education program. At EducationDegree.com, we make it simple for you to find and contact Maryland universities offering accredited Bachelor’s in education programs. To help find the right program for you, simply explore the featured schools on this page and contact several to gather information. As a general rule, we recommend contacting several schools to gather more information help you make the most informed decision possible about your future.

Earning Your Bachelor’s in Education in Maryland

Your journey to becoming a teacher in Maryland begins with an accredited Bachelor’s in education program. Many Maryland universities offer accredited programs in various concentrations that will put you on the right track. Most Bachelor’s programs will include courses in liberal arts or general studies to help provide you with a well-rounded education. Additionally, you will need to choose a degree concentration or major within the education program that will help shape the rest of your curriculum. A few concentrations offered by Maryland universities include:

  • Early Childhood Education
  • Special Education
  • Reading Education
  • Secondary Education
  • Middle School Education

After graduation, you will be required to complete a teacher preparation program in course and fieldwork to prepare for your teaching licensure examination. You may obtain a full-time teaching position for up to three years while working to complete your teaching licensure and credentials.

The Outlook for Teachers in Maryland

Maryland has many subject areas where it has shortages of teachers. By studying one of these high-need areas, not only can you help improve your chances of employment post-graduation, but you’ll also be helping to fill a need in Maryland’s education system. If you want to choose a high-need area, consider one of the following subject areas, reported by the Maryland State Department of Education as “critical shortage areas” for the 2013-2014 academic school year:

  • Computer Science (Grades 7-12)
  • Mathematics (Grades 7-12)
  • Science (Grades 7-12): Chemistry, Earth/Space Science, Physical Science and Physics
  • Special Education: Visually Impaired, Hearing Impaired, Elementary/Middle School
  • And many more

For such a small state, Maryland has a promising outlook for education. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Maryland has one of the top five highest employment levels for special education teachers in the country. Many of Maryland’s major metropolitan areas, including Baltimore and Cumberland, also have high concentrations of elementary, secondary and kindergarten teacher positions. And the Bethesda-Rockville-Frederick metropolitan area is one of the top-paying areas for middle school teachers in the country, with the annual mean wage for this position making $74,110 in 2012.

Many other teaching positions in Maryland provide highly competitive salaries as well. In 2012, the BLS reports that the annual mean wage for other positions was:

  • $61,710 for elementary school teachers
  • $63,180 for secondary school teachers
  • $63,580 for special education teachers

Maryland promotes the academic excellence of teachers and supports the advancement of education for students and educators. Teachers in Maryland can also enjoy a flexible schedule that allows the summers for exploration, spending time with the family or a respite until the start of the new semester.

Start your search for the right for Bachelor’s in education program today! Explore the featured listings on this page, and request information from several schools to best understand your options and make the most informed decision possible about the future of your education.

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