Alternative Teaching Certification Programs in Wyoming
If you have a bachelor’s degree in an endorsable, secondary content area, such as English or math, go ahead and apply for teaching positions in Wyoming.
In Wyoming, school districts are required to search for a properly licensed teacher for available positions. But should they be unable to find such a candidate, the district may offer the position to a candidate with a bachelor’s degree in the desired content area so long as the candidate agrees to complete an alternative licensure program.
That’s where the Northern Plains Transition to Teaching Program at Montana State University-Bozeman comes in. This federally funded program allows individuals to teach full-time in Wyoming schools while completing additional training and course requirements for full licensure.
NPTTP participants complete 25 credits in a condensed, online format that leads to Wyoming licensure. The program takes two years to complete for licensure alone and three years for participants seeking licensure plus a master’s of education degree.
Candidates do not have to have a job offer in order to begin the NPTTP. The program assists participants in their job search and has cooperative agreements in place with a number of school districts ensuring that they will give consideration to NPTTP candidates. The total cost of the licensure only program is $7500.
Top Online Schools for Teachers In Wyoming
The state of Wyoming has taken steps to boost the prospects
for education in the state with an eye towards having more
teaching professionals in their schools. With that in mind,
those interested in gaining certification through different
pathways consult a network of resources to get started.
University of Wyoming
The University of Wyoming offers online degrees in multiple
subjects, including those with a focus on education. In addition,
the school does feature programs aimed towards budding
professionals that are pursuing special certification for their
line of work.
Grand Canyon University Online
Grand Canyon University has an expansive online degree
programs, a number of which are specifically slated to the
educational field. >
Walden University Online
Walden University is home to a renowned online degree program,
with over 40 programs available in the realm of education. Potential
students can look into acceleration programs that will help towards
their degree goals.