Alternative Teacher Certification Programs in Missouri
According to the Columbia Daily Tribune, Missouri is facing teacher shortages in 21 key subject areas, including foreign language education, math, all areas of science, vocal music, speech and language, all areas of special education, and even in more specialized content areas, such as industrial technology education, family and consumer science education, and even driver education. Data compiled by the National Center for Alternative Education shows that Missouri hires approximately 3,000 new teachers every year, and of these new teachers, about seven percent of them enter the profession through alternate routes.
In order to alleviate the teacher shortage in high-need areas, Missouri has instituted several different programs to help individuals earn alternate teacher certification. While each program does have different requirements, all of the state-approved programs require candidates to already possess a bachelor’s degree, submit to a background check, and pass state competency exams.
Two programs you may consider are the American Board for Certification of Teacher Excellence (ABCTE) program and the Missouri Troops to Teachers program. ABCTE is a computer-based program which helps interested professionals with bachelor’s degrees transition into the education field. An independent study found that 95 percent of principals felt that ABCTE training produced teachers as or more effective than those trained in traditional programs. The Missouri Troops to Teachers program, which bears the slogan “Proud to Serve Again,” is a federally funded program created to assist eligible military personnel in making the career change to education in high-need schools. Stipends of up to $5,000 are available to reimburse the costs associated with teaching certification, and bonuses of $10,000 are available for those who agree to teach for at least three years in a school with a high population of lower-income students.
Top Online Schools for Teachers In Missouri
If you are set on making teaching a career in Missouri, the outlook
is fairly bright in terms of employment prospects according to recent
federal figures. It is also beneficial that there are various schools
and associations that will help towards obtaining degrees through
alternative certifications.
University of Missouri
A teaching degree from the University of Missouri can be had from
an elite package of subjects in terms of their education department.
There is also a teaching certification program as well as one that
centers on teaching fellowships.
Grand Canyon University Online
Grand Canyon University’s online education degrees have become
prime methods for earning teaching credentials in the state. One notable factor for those
interested in the school is their tuition costs per semester.
St. Louis University
The School of Education at St. Louis University boasts a select
number of online degree programs. There is even a course program
providing acceleration from bachelor’s degrees to a masters.