Teacher Humor – Murphy’s Laws of Teaching
Reviewed by Jon Konen, District Superintendent
Teacher Humor That All Teachers Can Relate to
As a teacher, you know that in the classroom, what can go wrong, usually will go wrong.
And usually– it happens at exactly at the worst moment!
As a tribute to all of those days when you wish you had gone into dog walking instead of teaching, this humorous list of the top thirty-five things that can go wrong in the classroom! Yes, we know that you a dedicated. We know that as an educator, you hold the future in your hands. But we also know that teaching is a hard job, and that you deserve a laugh every now and again.
For all of those kinds of days… we humbly offer the following teacher’s aid to help get you through!
Murphy’s Laws of Teaching
Feel free to share on your own social media or teacher humor page, attributing EducationDegree.com as you do, because we all need a laugh every now and then.