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Vermont Bachelor’s in Education Programs

The state of Vermont has an impressive history in terms of education. The United States Department of Education routinely ranks the state’s education system as one of the best in the country, and a high percentage of residents have high school diplomas and undergraduate degrees. To continue this heritage of educational excellence, trained and talented teachers are needed to educate students in Vermont.

To become a teacher in Vermont, start by earning your Bachelor’s in education. At EducationDegree.com we maintain comprehensive listings of Bachelor’s in education programs offered by schools across the nation, including Vermont universities. Read on to learn more about how to become a teacher in Vermont, or start exploring the featured schools on this page, using our easy forms to contact several for more information about their programs.

Earning a Bachelor’s in Education in Vermont

Becoming a teacher in Vermont can be a personally fulfilling employment option, and choosing the right Bachelor’s in education program is an important first step on the road to a career in education. Most four-year Bachelor’s in education programs offered in Vermont, sometimes referred to as teacher preparation programs, come in a variety of “majors” or concentrations. These tracks feature specialized curriculum that will help prepare you for teacher certification post-graduation. Common majors or education concentrations offered by Vermont universities include:

  • Early Childhood Education
  • Elementary Education
  • Secondary Education
  • Physical Education
  • Special Education
  • And more

Most Bachelor’s in education programs will begin with general education classes in math, social and natural sciences, and the arts and humanities to provide a solid foundation for your education. In addition to these, you will take professional courses designed around your major or concentration. Most Bachelor’s in education programs also feature a professional experience component, most often in the form of student teaching or an internship.

To qualify for initial teacher licensure in Vermont, you must have completed a state-approved teacher preparation program (such as a Bachelor’s in education program) from an accredited school, receive a recommendation for licensure from your university, and have a passing score on the Praxis I and Praxis II tests as set by the Vermont Standards Board for Professional Educators.

Career Outlook for Teachers in Vermont

With the state’s focus on high-quality education, the need for trained educators within Vermont is growing. Choosing to study a high-needs area of education within the state is a smart way to improve your chances of employment post-graduation, as well as help fill a need in the state’s education field. According to the Vermont Department of Education, for the 2013-2014 school year, the state of Vermont needed educators in the following designated teacher shortage areas:

  • English as a Second Language
  • Health Education
  • Educational Technology Specialist
  • Library Media Specialist
  • Modern and Classical Languages

To search for employment opportunities post-graduation, try VermontEducationJobs.com, an online recruiting tool developed in partnership with the Vermont Department of Education.

Average Teacher Salary in Vermont

Vermont offers teacher salaries competitive with surrounding states. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the annual mean wage for popular teaching positions in Vermont in 2012 was:

Vermont is also one of the top five highest-paying states in the nation for preschool teachers. In addition to above-national-average salaries, teachers and educators in Vermont enjoy stable careers, summer holidays lasting for two months and the joy of education the state’s youth.

If you are ready to become a teacher in Vermont, take the first step today! Explore the featured school listings on this page, then reach out to several for more information. As a general rule, we recommend contacting several universities to gather more information, helping you to make the most informed decision about the future of your education as possible.

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