Nevada Bachelor’s in Education Programs
If you’re serious about becoming a teacher in Nevada, earning your Bachelor’s degree in education is a logical first step. Nevada universities boast many accredited programs that can help students meet the requirements for becoming a Nevada teacher. At, we make it easy for you to find and connect with those schools without having to visit multiple websites. Read on to learn more about becoming a teacher in Nevada, or review the listings on this page to get a head start.
Earning a Bachelor’s Degree in Education in Nevada
Earning your Bachelor’s in education in Nevada can be an exciting route to a fulfilling career. In order to better compare Bachelor’s programs offered in Nevada, you must first know what area of education you would like to specialize in. A typical Bachelor’s in education program, sometimes called a teacher preparation program, will guide you through to teacher certification, so it is important to have some general career goals ahead of time. Common specializations offered by Nevada universities include:
- Early Childhood Education
- Elementary Education
- Secondary Education
- Special Education
Generally, most Bachelor’s in education programs will require a foundation in general education courses, professional education courses, a student teaching internship, and classes in your chosen area of education. To qualify for an initial teaching license in Nevada, you will need to have earned a Bachelor’s degree in education from an accredited institution and pass both Nevada state-mandated testing and Praxis competency testing.
Career Outlook for Teachers in Nevada
To improve your chances of employment post-graduation, consider studying an area of education in need of teachers in the state of Nevada. For the 2014-2015 school year, the Nevada Department of Education has deemed the following subjects as teacher shortage areas in Nevada:
- English (Grades 7-8, 9-12)
- English as a Second Language
- Health (Kindergarten – Grade 12)
- Mathematics: Algebra, Geometry (Grades 7-12, 9-12)
- Science: Biology, Life Science, Physical Science
- Special Education
- And many more
Average Teacher Salary in Nevada
In terms of pay, Nevada offers teacher salaries competitive with surrounding states. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that in 2012 the annual mean wage of several popular teaching positions in Nevada included:
- $53,100 for elementary school teachers
- $52,730 for secondary school teachers
- $51,960 for kindergarten teachers
Along with preparing you for a variety of careers in the field of education, a Bachelor’s degree in education can round out your own knowledge. Teachers in Nevada enjoy long summer vacations and retirement packages, both of which are becoming less common outside the field of education.
Take the first step to becoming a teacher in Nevada today! Explore the featured schools on this page, then reach out to several for more information on the benefits of their programs. As a general rule, we recommend contacting several schools to gather more information, helping you to make the most informed decision possible about the future of your education.